MICHAEL P MARTIN JCis4me[at]yahoo.com
OBJECTIVE: Management in Interior in any of the following areas: Remodeling/ Cabinetry/ Installations /Handyman.
SKILL SUMMARY: 2008- Present 1.5 years Roofing Sales / Service/ Insurance Adjuster Assistance 1998-2008 10+ years Cabinet Installation Business President-Main Cont. Home Depot 1981-1998 17 years Custom Furniture Building with 3 yrs working Foreman position
TECH SKILLS 10 years Microsoft Word, Excel, Exactimate- 1.5 yrs off & on
MANAGEMENT SKILLS- 10 + Years Responsibilities Included: Administration, Pre Sale/measure visits, Pre-Construction site visit and design follow up, Field management of all Sub Contractors, Customer Follow up, Collections, Payroll.
HARD SKILLS- 28 years Miscl. Skills- Light Electrical&Plumbing/Drywall/Painting/Flooring/Remodeling As well as: Power Saws -Table/ Miter/ Sliding table/Circular/Beam/Jig etc, Other Related Equipment- Edgebander / Jointers/Drill Press/Routers/Sanders/Lathes/ power hand tools etc.
Miscl. Equipment Box Trucks /Fork Lifts/ Scissor Lift/ Tractor/ Bobcat/Mowers & Related Equipment
EDUCATION Graduation Cass City High School, Cass City Michigan 1980 w Diploma Building Trades Semester in High School 3 yrs Shop