Lynette Lang 4512 Shady Beach Circle; Maple Plain, Minnesota 55359 Home: 763-479-6732
Profile: Over 20 years of Facilities Planning, Design and Project/People Management Experience.
Experience: Stratasys Incorporated, February 2008 February 2009 Facilities Planner: Provided Facilities Planning, Design and Project Management Services to Facilities Department Major Accomplishments: Designed, Planned and Managed Office, Production Floor and Warehouse project spaces 50,000 to 100,000 square feet using office systems furniture and hard-wall construction, meeting budget approval through bid practices using AutoCadd generated construction documents and customer-supplied specifications.
PrimeStaff, February 2001- October 2001 Property Services Consultant: Provided Departmental Structure Analysis and Moves, Adds and Changes Process Development Guidance to the City of Minneapolis Property Services Department Major Accomplishments: Assisted the Property Services department with job descriptions, work-flow analysis and departmental structure based-on benchmark information gathered. Designed a custom moves, adds and changes procedures and processes for the downtown campus to be implemented over the next year. Developed benchmarks for Property Services Department to follow and track progress, none were previously being tracked.
RSP Architects, May 2000- February 2001 Design Services Manager/ Sr. Project Manager: Temporarily filled the Design Services Department Management position on-site at ADC Telecommunications Corporate Headquarters Major Accomplishments: Assisted the Real Estate and Planning department with promoting new planning standards for outstate and corporate facilities of over 2 million square feet. Established new workspace typicals and standards based-on benchmark information gathered. Designed a custom moves, adds and changes procedures and processes for corporate campus to be implemented over the next year. Provided design guidance on outstate build-outs and renovations. Provided masterplan of finishes to be used in all ADC facilities nationwide. Provided leadership and guidance to two staff designers, primarily assigned to the Minneapolis Corporate Campus moves, adds and changes. Was instrumental in the development of a national furniture purchasing contract, with annual savings of over 2.5 million dollars. Brought known and proven furniture vendors on-board to ADC to save $2,000.00 per workstation, based-on previous and still utilized systems furniture, which inturn saved $60,000.00 in one month of Capital Expenditures. Developed benchmarks for Design Services Department to follow and track progress, none were previously being tracked. As well as helped establish 2001 budgets and departmental goals for Design Services.
Architectural Alliance, September 1999- April 2000 Sr. Project Manager/Sr. Interior Designer: Provided facilities planning, design and project management services to clients: Minnesota Life, Blue Cross Blue Shield and the University of Minnesota Major Accomplishments: Planned and restacked buildings of 90,000 600,000 sq.ft. for the University of Minnesota and Blue Cross Blue Shield Corporate offices.
Architectural Alliance, September 1999- April 2000(Continued) Senior Project Manager/Senior Interior Designer: Assisted in the development of workstation standards for both the University of Minnesota and Blue Cross Blue Shield, based-on mapping information gathered. Selected finishes for Mn Life, BCBS and U of MN. Managed Projects and Jr.Designer work assignments.
Design Personnel Resources, January 1990-July 1999 Project Manager/Facilities Planner: Provided facilities planning, design and project management services to clients: St. Paul Companies, Carlson Companies, Hutchinson Technologies, United HealthCare, American Express/IDS, Pope Associates, Horty-Elving and Associates and Care Designs. Major Accomplishments: Designing, planning and project managing moves, ads and changes with restacks for headquarter campus buildings ranging from 300,000 to 600,000 sq. ft. using systems product, demountable wall systems and hard-walled construction, meeting customer service standards and tight schedules and budgets.
LE Designs, December 1985- Present Independent Design/Planning Consultant: Providing design and planning services to both residential and architectural clients. Major Accomplishments: Designing and Planning Corporate facilities such as Seagate and Innovex contracted at Pope Associates.
Expressions Furniture, June 1986- January 1990 Focus/Cremers, December 1985- December 1986 Residential Interior Design Consultant: Residential design services and furniture/accessories sales. Major Accomplishments: Meeting customers expectations and satisfying their requests, along with a closing rate of 14%.
Educational and Professional Development:
Bachelor of Science Degree, Interior Design with Minor in Management, December 1988 University of Minnesota
National Council for Interior Design Qualification, Spring 1993
Facilities Management Administrator designation, courses taken 1996-1997 BOMI, Building Owners Management Institute, College of St. Thomas
Leadership Mini-MBA Certification, April 2009 College of St. Thomas
References: Available upon request