Elaine McLean
SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Over 9 years project management experience building single family infill projects, subdivision and multifamily developments. Experience in all phases of real estate development from due diligence, land use planning, design, permitting, construction and sales.
LAND DEVELOPMENT Responsible for acquiring land, title work, feasibility analysis, and securing financing. Coordinated the activities of architect, civil engineer, landscape architect and general contractor. Participated in the site layout, architectural design and specifications. Preformed all predevelopment due diligence requirements; re-platting, variances, permits, environmental clearances, and zoning changes.
CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Scheduled construction from start to finish. Managed multiple projects with budgets up to $40,000,000. Hired and supervised all vendors and contractors. Processed all draw requests, tracked lien notices, and insurance requirements. Prepared Request for Proposals and bid documents. Inspected construction for quality standards and site safety. Oversaw both site work and vertical construction.
REAL ESTATE Marketed, sold and negotiated real estate contracts. Assist homebuyers with the buying process, obtaining mortgages, subsidy assistance, post purchase counseling and follow up. Processed Home Owners Association documentation and requirements.
ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Coordinated activities of 1000 volunteers, various committees for Non Profit Board of Directors. Organized candidate forums for the Citizens Clean Elections Commission, community forums, voter outreach, fund raising, and membership recruitment. Facilitate statewide volunteer efforts on several ballot initiatives through signature collecting, organizing public forums and public relations materials. Oversaw compliance of grants and city government contracts.
LOW INCOME ASSISTANCE Worked closely with City departments utilizing CDBG and HOME funds to provide down payment assistance to low income buyers. Coordinated clients credit counseling, mortgage and qualification requirements for the program. Responsible for all documentation to city and state agencies. Cooperated with local banking institutions to provide low income buyers mortgages.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Consultant, MT Builders CompaniesAugust 2008-Present Project Manager, PB Bell CompaniesApril 2007-August 2008 Project Manager/Superintendent, Eastwood HomesOctober 2006-March 2007 Housing Director, Capitol Mall Association February 2002-July 2006 Citizen Information Director, League of Women Voters March 1997-January 2002
EDUCATION Masters of Environmental Planning, Urban PlanningArizona State University Bachelors of EconomicsNorthern Arizona University