A.J. COLLETTI - Resume w Project List
MANAGING DIRECTOR: Planning, Architectural / Engineering Design, Construction
Highly effective Planning, A/E Design and Construction Management leader with career history of delivering high profile EPC projects, envisioning innovative solutions, and delivering the highest levels of professional and construction services in both the Private and Public Sectors. Experienced Leadership supporting the Private and Public Sectors to deliver superior levels of project achievement, client satisfaction and regulatory compliance. Strong experience in International and Domestic projects. Problem solver, who fosters strong levels of communication, sets far-reaching goals, and advances cooperative team participation toward effective project delivery.
Program and Project Management Licensed Professional Architecture Design Construction Effective Leadership Consensus Building Communication High Profile Client Relations US Government Positions International Development Executive Level Presentation Private Sector Expansion Public Sector Service Regulatory Adherence Strategic Planning Capital Planning Contracts Negotiating $ 4.5 Billion in Public / Private Sector Project Delivery
PHOENIX GROUP Albany, New York 2003 - Present Leading A/E Design and Project Management Firm. Complex Construction Project Planning / Pre-Construction Analysis, A/E Design and Design Management, Construction Management and Financial Packaging for Multi-Faceted Construction, Higher Education, Healthcare, Research, Commercial, Intermodal Transportation and Critical Infrastructure Projects. Developed a wide range of major domestic and international clients, including foreign governments and large public / private sector institutions. www.PhoenixGroup.org See Project List
MANAGING DIRECTOR, A/E Services: Deliver complete range of leadership tasks in A/E design management and consulting design firm. Coordinate complex scheduling, costs, contracts, project deliverables, LEED Certifications, alternative energy options, staffing, client satisfaction and more. Manage design and construction teams, assuring steady focus, complete quality, and time frame adherence. Demand and achieve full compliance with safety and regulatory concerns. Provide senior level executive presentations to domestic, international, public and private sector decision makers. Assure continued growth of firm with vision, meticulous attention to present tasks, and communication excellence.
Delivered complete design / project management services for healthcare, research and critical infrastructure projects. Led company to major international project expansion, including India, the Baltics and Poland. Provided complete A/E design oversite and construction coordination for Owners, A/E firms and Construction firms. Positioned firm at forefront among LEED and alternative power supported construction / planning / design teams.
EXECUTIVE CHAMBER STATE OF NEW YORK Albany, New York 2001 - 2004 Governors Office of New York State Office of State Operations, which is responsible for daily operations of 64 state agencies, departments and authorities. See Project List Reported to James Natoli, Director of State Operations.
SENIOR TECHNICAL ADVISOR FOR CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE: Delivered services considered highest priority, involving assessment and upgrade of critical support infrastructure statewide. Provided leadership and direction for major state assets and programs including Public/ Private Sector Planning, Design and Operations in Critical Infrastructure, Commerce / Intermodal Transportation Systems, Command and Control Facilities, Emergency Response Management, Critical Regional Communications and Power Systems Public Infrastructure Information Management and Continuity.
Provided senior executive leadership to 11,000 state employees in response to 9/11 WTC attacks. Coordinated Regional Emergency Critical Infrastructure planning and budgets, Directed Regional Critical Infrastructure design and implementation. Task Force Manager for 22 State Agencies and Authorities focusing on Critical Infrastructure Systems. Directly coordinated $200M in federal grants. Managed or supported high priority Critical Infrastructure projects exceeding $1.2B in value. Served as Senior State Government Official on-site representing New York Governors Office - numerous venues.
STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK - CONSTRUCTION FUND, Albany, New York 1997 - 2001 Design and Construction Management Office for the State University of New York 34 University and College Campuses, 5 Regional Medical Research Hospitals, Bio-Tech/Genetic Research Facilities Site and Transportation Infrastructure, Research and Academic Buildings, Sports and Large Venue Facilities, Provides Comprehensive Preconstruction Planning, Budget Management, Architectural and Engineering Design and Construction Management. Annual capital budget of $600 Million Reported to Michael Clemente, General Manager.
STATE DIRECTOR for Architectural / Engineering Design Services: Fostered dramatic improvement in relationship management via effective goal setting, status awareness and joint efforts between client campuses and professional design/construction teams. Built consensus, coordinated team efforts, maintained budgets, attained buy-in for design priorities, and garnered constant and continuously effective communication levels among major stakeholders. Defined planning, design and construction policy and represented fund at numerous client, professional and public venues. Assured agency attained position of effective, innovative leadership. See Project List
Raised consultant design standards, created principal reviews, and instituted cost effective delivery programs. Led the industry with institution of Sustainable Design Criteria, E-Business, EPC, and Consultant Design Directives. Forged effective relationships between Private / Public Sector Decision Makers at State and Federal Levels. Achieved agency reputation as leaders in cost effectiveness, innovation and on-time / on-budget delivery for Complex and Innovative Projects.
COLLETTI GROUP ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS & PLANNERS, Sherburne, New York 1981 - 1997 Full service, Design and Construction Management firm. Heavy Civil, Water / Sewer, Transportation, Bridge and Rail, Environmental and Site Infrastructure Engineering. Research, Medical and Higher Education Buildings. Assisted Living and Resort. Winners of numerous awards for architectural, historic renovations and engineering design. In-house staff of over 100 employees. See Project List
MANAGING PARTNER: Built established Engineering firm into award winning, multi-faceted Architectural / Engineering firm. Managed complete range of planning, design, and construction activities. Hired, trained and supervised staff. Assured budgetary responsibility. Negotiated and managed all major design and construction contracts. Defined planning, design and CM standards, and, developed and maintained exceptional communication and coordination between firm, clients, contractors and all Local, State and Federal Regulatory Agencies. Defined and managed high level of quality and excellence in project delivery. Attained highest levels of customer satisfaction, receiving numerous professional awards.
Established professional group as leaders in cost effective project design and delivery. Secured effective relationships with private sector clients, as well as with state, federal and local agencies. Managed strategic relationships between clients, professional firms and contractors for effective project delivery Tripled size of firm, building architectural and construction management divisions. Delivered acclaimed full service Architectural / Engineering projects exceeding $1.5B in value.
Bachelor - 1981
Cornell University - College of Architecture, Ithaca, New York
Coursework / Training / Events
Cornell University College of Engineering International University of Architecture at Venice, Italy Albany Law School US Naval War College - NYC War Games G8 Summit Sea Island US/Baltic Congressional Conference
Professional Licenses
Architecture License - New York State Architecture License - Arizona
A.J. COLLETTI Project List
Lead/Professional In-Charge PIC Senior Program Advisor SPA
Project Description Value Project Delivery Position
Critical Infrastructure NY Metro Transit AuthRegional Security Integration40M2005-2007SPA Hudson Valley CenterRegional Transportation EOC Center30M2001-2004PIC Empire State Plaza Multiple Government Buildings Assessments30M2001-2004SPA NYS Critical Data Center Statewide Public/Private Sector60M2001-2004 SPA NYSStatewide Backup Communications Network 900M2001-2004SPA NYS-EOCAlternative Seat of Government90M2001-2004PIC NYSStatewide Emergency Power / Com Systems40M2001-2004PIC World Trade Center Infrastructure Assessments/Coordination 200M2001-2004PIC Ministry of HealthPolandRegional Critical Infrastructure 100M2003-2004SPA Ministry of InteriorEstoniaRegional Critical Infrastructure30M2004-2005SPA Ministry of InteriorIndiaRegional Critical Infrastructure n/a2006-2007SPA State University of NY34 State University Campuses 500M1997-2004PIC USDAMultiple public water supply / sewerage projects40M1980-1997PIC Ports/RailMultiple Projects 300M1980-2008PIC
Hospitals / Medical Brooklyn Health Center Major Regional Health / Research Center80M1997-2001PIC Upstate Medical Center Major Regional Health / Research Center80M1997-2001PIC Cornell University Large Animal Hospital / Life Science Research60M1997-2001PIC Stony Brook Hospital Major Regional Hospital / Research Center 110M1997-2001PIC Buffalo Health Science Major Regional Health / Research Center60M1997-2001PIC SUNY OptometryManhattan Teaching / Research Center22M 1997-2001PIC
Stadiums / Sports Arenas Cortland StadiumRegional Stadium Facility28M1997-2001PIC Stony Brook StadiumRegional Stadium Facility30M1997-2001PIC Buffalo StadiumRegional Stadium Facility22M1997-2001PIC Binghamton ArenaRegional Multi-Use Sports Arena26M1997-2001PIC Oswego CenterRegional Multi-Use Sports Arena22M1997-2001PIC New PaltzRegional Multi-Use Sports Arena22M1997-2001PIC
Commercial / Research / Higher Education Pecos Center 160,000sf LEED Class A w Photo Voltaics36M2006-2008PIC Glass Rock Medical 180,000sf LEED Medical w Photo Voltaics40M2006-2008PIC Empire State Plaza Multi Buildings structural assessments20M2001-2004PIC Albany Bio TechBio-Tech Research Center80M1997-2001PIC Broad Hollow Bio-Tech Research Center16 M1997-2001PIC Heavy EngineeringHeavy Civil Research Center18M1997-2001 PIC Binghamton Library Multi-story Library Research12M1997-2001 PIC Morrisville Auto Tech Automotive Technology Research12M1997-2001 PIC Norwich CenterMulti-story Community Higher Education16M1997-2001 PIC AxiohmAero-Space Research Center12M1990-1992PIC Multiple Projects 850M1990-2008 PIC
Residential Croft Building Manhattan High End Residential22M 2005-2006PIC Westchester Residential Tower Renovation12M2004-2005PIC BridgewaterMultiple 12 story Residential32M 1990-1997PIC Historic Adaptive Re-Use22 projects40M1980-1997 PIC High Pointe2200 unit Residential Resort 40M 1980-1997 PIC Roxbury Run240 Residential Resort 30M1980-1997 PIC Vanderhyden Estates1100 Planned Unit Development 100M1980-1997 PIC Assisted LivingMultiple projects30M1980-1997PIC Resort/MultifamilyMultiple projects 100M1980-1997PIC